I got in from CA last night after Sunday’s workshop with Rif and Tracy. I had been in contact with my wife every couple of hours and we got between 13 and 16 inches of rain– More than the average for the MONTH of May—in less than 48 hours.

I always try to get an aisle seat on a flight, but this time I chose the window. I knew I was going to get a chance to see something I have never seen and God willing will never get to see again.

Opryland Hotel with the galss roof, Opry Mills Mall to the right of it.

The glass roof building is the Opryland Hotel. To the right of it is Opry Mills mall. Both the hotel and the mall buildings occupy several acres each. If you have ever been there, you can begin to understand the magnitude of the  flood.  These are shots I snagged from random facebook posts.


The outside of the hotel.

I didn’t get to see downtown from the air, but the Cumberland river rose 16 feet ABOVE flood level and as of today there was still water on 2nd avenue.  


Please spread the word, in case everyone doesn’t grasp the severity of what’s going on in Nashville.



Thank you Jesus that all my family and friends are alive and well and pretty much undamaged. Obviously it is very bad for some people.

The death toll is rising, temporary shelters are at capacity, missing people are unaccounted for, many homes are under water, there is a water conservation emergency, much of Nashville’s economic base is threatened by flood damage. You can text ‘REDCROSS’ to 90999 to donate $10 to disaster relief. Thanks