Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you not one….. but two NEW DVDs shot live without a net in Sunnyvale CA.

Do you want to learn  how to use the old-time strongmen’s methods to take your own training to levels you hadn’t imagined? This DVD is a combination strongman show, history lesson and philosophical discourse on the principles of getting stronger. Click HERE to get your copy.

Included in this volume:

– What is strength?
~Some of the record lifts that remain unbroken decades later
~How these men trained to get so strong
~And why we should pay attention
~Modern performing strongmen training methods

Demonstrations of nail, spike and horseshoe bending, grip feats, the public debut of the signature feat the Hammer Getup,  and powerful demonstrations of singular focus.



Want to make your Getup better?

In the RKC, we use the kettlebell as a tool to teach movement.  The getup is the foundation for ALL grinding kettlebell lifts. In this volume, I break it down into essential elements. Apply what is on this DVD and I promise your Getup will improve dramatically . Plus there are tips for other overhead work such as Military and Bent Pressing. Click HERE to get your copy  if you are ready to deepen you skill at the getup.

~ A step-by-step breakdown of the bent press
~ Bent press partner drills
~ Kneeling press drills
~ Bridging
~ The armbar and the crooked armbar
~ A thorough analysis of the getup
~ How the getup is fundamental to all pressing  and overhead movements

Discussion of  mobility and stability needs of the getup, how to assess these, and how to gain more of both. You’ll learn how the lats and glutes work together, and how the getup resembles gait — and how to fix it when it doesn’t.

Click the links above to get either of them….or go HERE and grab BOTH

And don’t worry, there are plenty of copies to go around!